It is not inequality which is real misfortune, it is dependence

Image result for It is not inequality which is real misfortune, it is dependence

Human has  been always apprehensive about the cause and effect of misfortune and has defined it in many ways. However being gifted with rational thoughts, human has been able to recognize some forms of misfortune in scientific manner. For some thinkers Inequality is the real misfortune which divides society in scions of haves and haves not resulting into social unrest and discontent.

However another section believes that it is not inequality which is real misfortune , it is dependece. But what makes the dependece real misfortune? On close analysis of many incidents, it is easy to see that even after dark inequality it is the dependence which resulted into misfortune ultimately.

India represent a classical example of dependence as real misfortune. Inequality in India was prevalent from ancient time going back to Vadic period in form of caste system and patriarchal system.Despite this inequality, Indian economy was able to grow and India earn title of Golden Bird of East. which attracted explorers and settlers from all around the world.

One of these explorer were the British who came India and gradually subjugated Indian political, economic and even social system . Bend dependent on  British rule , India face mass scale poverty famine and partition. The golden bird of east had turned in to land of poor due to this dependece. What could be real misfortune for her other than it?

The scope of dependency is very wide ranging from social to economic to international.At social level, weaker section depend upon her well being on dominant section like in India where women are largely dependent upon their male relatives for their economic and social needs. This dependency exploited by male relatives in form of domestic violence and women do not complain about it in absence of self sufficiency.

The lack of self sufficiency and self reliance at national level rendered the countries to be exploited in  international competitive world.In 1960s when India was facing acutes slack of food grains, She was dependent on America for food supply. This dependence on America gave an opportunity to American government to use India for his political gain in Vietnam war.And this dependency also resulted into import of bad quality grain from US and large scale famine and malnutrition in Indian public as a misfortune for India’s social and economic system.

But the question arise why the dependency resulted into misfortune? Dependent persons either physically or psychologically are rather vulnerable to physical and psychological attacks from the dependency.Many times dependency uses this vulnerability for his or her own  advantage and fulfillment of narrow interest many time in inhuman way, which is no lesser than any nightmare hence misfortune.

However, will it be relevant to say that dependency is real misfortune not inequality? Human is a social being and no human is self sufficient. Therefore every human have to dependent each other being the part of single social system. Even in childhood and old game, human is dependent on his parents or children similar way every country is dependent on each other some are surplus in technology and finance and other are in natural and human resource compelling them to cooperate with each other.

But misuse of this dependent and guardian relationship transform it into master and slave relationship. This is not possible until and unless there is inequality either actual or perceived.A symbiotic relationship can be sustained when both parties have equal say in relationship. Many times inequality is no lesser than misfortune.

It is the gender inequality in Indian society which led to the discrimination of women by male counterparts similarly with the schedules castes who were perceived to be unequal by upper caste groups rendered them socially and economically deprived and led to their exploitation by dominant social section.

The dominant tendency  of developed countries of the world are result of inequality prevalent on international sphere.The inequality between African least developed countries and first world country is strikely visible.And this inequality has given upper hand to western counties even if African countries are rich in natural resources their exploitation was done by outer forces resulting into slavery and mass scale poverty and food scarcity in these countries.

It is clear that dependence and inequality both are misfortune in their own ways and are interrelated to each other.While inequality makes one party resource less leading to his lack of development. Dependence make him vulnerable to exploitation. But lack or absence of resource of one party make him dependent on other.So, it become necessary to deal with this problem by keeping this interrelationship in thought process of finding solution.

Inequality can be removed by better distribution and utilization of economic, social and political resources without any unreasonable discrimination like sex, race or region etc. On the other hand, awareness and education will play better role in removing this process less developed section will need support of devloped section but this depence of suppoort do not result into expoilation, transparecy and justice has to be ensured theorugh regualtory mechanism and isnttions like Human rights commsion and Unted Nation on internal front.

To remove the inequality vis-a-vis dependvce is necesary for overall development of huamn being and will lead to peaceful and sustainble development of societies and countires which may fall in depriviation and chaos in presnce of actuate inequality and overdepence on some specific enteties.

There is a famous saying, ”It is better to reign in hell than serve the heaven”. Though being a servant or dependent is not a desirable and human should not be subject of exploitation and discrimination. But reigning the hell is also not valid option as human is made for betterment and it must strive for better and best through constant efforts by removing inequality and obviously Misfortune.






Image result for weaker section and human rights

Indian society is known for its unity in diversity. But one thing, it is infamous for social inequality which has given birth of weaker section of society which is as diverse as Indian society itself, women Scheduled caste, scheduled tribes, children, poor, landless farmers etc. who have faced socio-economic and political discrimination in hands of dominating section since antiquity. And their fight for rights and access to justice is almost as old as the discrimination against these marginalized and weaker group, it  is in form of emergence of Buddhism, Jainism, Bhakti movement, Gandhi Ji effort for Harihjan upliftment or  Ambedkar’s fierce effort to ensure socio-economic and political justice for weaker section by constitutional means.

But one question Arises time to time- Is weaker section is in better position to access their rights and access to justice? Since Independence, there are lot of effort to strengthen the position of weaker section of society. Constitutional provisions like Article 14. 15 and 16 ensures that there is not discrimination  against weaker section, and if possible, State can take help of positive discrimination to improve the politico-economic sition of weaker section of society. And on this basis reservation for weaker class like SC/ST , women etc is provided in public employment, educational instituions, and legislature at different levels.

Simultaneously various constitutional and statutory bodies like Commision on Scheduled class, Commission on Scheduled tribe, women rights commission, and Human rights commision etc  were constituted to ensure that no discrimination is done by dominated section of society and authorities against  weaker section.

There is another improvement on social and economic level too. More access to information all around the world led to awareness about their rights and emergence of NGO give them courage to fight for ther rights.with globalisation, role of women has increased above from household purpose,and representation of historically marginalised has increased in politico-economic platforms.

Therefore, Representatives from these sections has acquired top position in Indian polity and economic institutions, India has witnessed a woman prime minister as well as president. 33 % reservation of seats in legislatures to SC and ST is made for their political empowerment.

But can we call it in betterment of position of weaker section to acquire justice and rights? Specially when , women are still in grip of domestic violence, social stigma, and  honor killing. their participation in economic activities and politics  is very low. same rings true with other weaker section either it is scheduled castes, or tribes, or differently abled people. caste based discrimination and untouchability is still prevalent in societies.Tribes are snatched off their traditional rights and culture based on forest and its resources. Differently abled people are still fighting fr a decent level of living in socio-economic frons. Child labour and human trafficking is still deteriorating conditions of vulnerable.

There is no doubt that efforts for empowerment of weaker section is made in terms in polices and Infrastructure . some Schemes like Sabla, Beti Bacho-Beti Padao, stand-up, self help groups, priority sector lending are some examples of these efforts. And these efforts has brought some desirable fruits in form of awareness of rights and demand of rights. But still there is more left to desire and accomplish before India can be called as equal society in terms of rights and access to justice.

Why weaker section is still not able to preserve their rights and access to justice? Though a smaller part of these weaker section has achieved considerable success. But by in large, margenalised section is still marginalised and facing socio-economic deprivation. By looking at trends, it’s easy to observe that social discrimination against women, scheduled caste, tribes and other marginalised section has led to their economic and political deprivation.and it can be proved that majority of poor in India belong to these sections itself.

Though in past, India has seen various efforts in direction of political and economic empowerment of weaker section, but there is hardly any  significant effort in social empowerment of weaker mass. And focus only on political and economic empowerment has forced majority of weaker section left out to reap fruit of such policies as they lacks education, resources and skills as well as face social stigmas.

On the other hand, discrimination against weaker section is widely accepted in Indian society even by these section due to unawareness, cultural hegemony, apathy of police and various other instances, and length and costly judicial system of India, which discourage victims to take this route.A woman victim of domestic violence bear that violence as her duty, and when she oppose it , she is called characterless and undutiful and even if she get though such allegation she is forced to face lengthy and costly case, which bear out her courage and resources.Hence for individuals rights and justice are far dreams.

There is need of  compressive empowerment of weaker section. And for this purpose, There is need to include other sections of Indian society in their empowerment plans after all all make a one society and have a cause and effect relationship. Awareness programs must be encouraged to sensitize societies as well as schools and colleges promote such lessons which promotes equality among human and gender and regions.These will help in building trust and bonding among various sections and work as preventive mechanism. strengthen commissions like human rights commision, SC and ST commission, women’s commissions etc and decentralize their working to make them more effective.

Simultaneously training of police and other institutions  should inculcate values of empathy and compassion and such institutions  must be responsive and proactive to stop any crime against any marginalized group.And decentralised economic empowerment of these groups through various schemes like self help groups and stand up India mission is also a right step.

India can progress and develop  only if every section of society has the equal right and equal access to justice . and Equal right and equal access t  justice is possible through equal status to all , which may be prived by means of empowerment. and empowerment of an individual or group start from home or society.Hence, it is not only duty f our government but also our society to create opportunity for marginalized and weaker section so everyone of them can preserve their rights and have access to justice.


















“Imagination is more important than intelligence”

Just imagine, If human have been gifted only with intelligence rather than imagination. Where would we have been now? Were we ever able to  roast our food? or were we able to use the principle of rolling friction as wheels in vehicles? or were we ever able to fly in sky? Perhaps not human acquired the intelligence by acquiring the knowledge. But this knowledge was helpful when human used his imagination to use this knowledge to make this world a better place.

Imagination, which makes human to form new ideas and thinking, it make human curious to explore beyond the boundaries and it led him to experiment in this seemingly limited world. It was imagination of European sailors , which prompt them to explore open sea. Perhaps, it was not an intelligent idea that time in light of limited technology and knowledge to sail the dangerous sea, yet imagination won over intelligence and human stepped toward a more globalized world.

If, it was not an imagination of more equal and prosperous world, could we have even seen a democratic political setup? especially at times, when muscular power of monarchy was considered essential to rule and govern.It was imagination , which suggest our ancesntors that a new type of polictcal system can exist, which will be more compaasionate, equal and organised. that is how, we saw fist gimple of democracy in Greece.

In business, imagination is the key of success. there is neck cut competition, creativity provides edge over their competitors. Apple though hardly uses new technology int their products but with creative manufacturing and use of existing technology, it succeeded to grab the major share of market in global market.

Imagination give us joy, world’s some greatest work either it is in literature or movies entertainment, or physical or mental sport etc, our imagination lead us to new ideas, which never let human to be stagnated. Though, intelligence help us to deal with existing problems with pre existing solutions in effective manner. imagination help us to deal with unprecedented problems by using our imagination.

Imagination though  help us to explore new ideas, new dimensions , which were not possible by intelligence. But , Is it possible that without intelligence , fruitful nature of imagination can be realized? Imagination emcompases intelligence, infact without being imaginative, it is difficult to be intelligent. But in past, it was human imagination, which led him to believe that sun revolve around the earth, but human intelligence questioned the basis of this thesis, which took in account the various consequences and effect. And, realized, it is earth which revolve around sun not the other way around.

And, imagination s not always provide solution, Human imagination gave him idea to fly in sky, but it was the human intelligence, which made him realize the barriers in such imagination in form of gravity and also help him to overcome such barriers. Hence, imagination and intelligence work in hand in hand. when the intelligence fall short of ideas, human imagination took the front seat and when human imagination could not give any substantial solution, human intelligence fill the gap.

It is not as if, human imagination do not occur without human intelligence. everyone is capable of imagination, even a baby uses his imagination more than any living adult.But every time yielding to imagination without using intelligence may put him in danger. Human imagination may compel him or her to cut the tree, but it is human intelligence which will show the negative consequences of such action in form of soil erosion, greenhouse gas emission and climate change. Hence, in this case, human intelligence is more important than human imagination.

Therefore, intelligence and imagination both have their own significance, they are complementary to each other and work in bes way if are applied in right manner and sequence. It is necessary to promote the both in younger generation, human intelligence can be promoted through learning , training and development programs, in fact better education in schools, college and better training facilities at various instituions are helpful to boost human intelligence.

But imagination is rather related with personal, socio-economic and political aspect of a place. A child is more imaginative, there is more scope and less pressure on him t prove himself, as in way of imagination, success is not a guarantee. of is like experimenting every time. hence, individuals and society have to understand, that they have to encourage and applaud the efforts of people and societies which dare to experiment and imagine, rather than applauding winners only.They have to create a flexible environment with more psychological and physical liberty. simultaneously political system of a country must be more encouraging and recognize any such effort.

There is no competition between imagination and intelligence. They are equally great when it comes to applicability , without imagination, intelligence will be stagnated, and without intelligence, imagination like like a glass castle in air. If magination provides the wings, intelligence creates the base.






Science is organized knowledge , wisdom is organised life.

Image result for science is organised knowledge , wisdom is organised life

Science and wisdom , there are most appreciated aspect of human life which make  human different from other creatures present on earth. human by its inherent nature is inclined toward acquiring knowledge through means of experiance, experiment, observation and learning. And this acquired knowledge helped him or her to become more scientific in his thinking and approach. And along with acquiring knowledge, human also strive for bring order in his/her life or in other words making it more organised . For this purpose, human applies acquired knowledge in practical way. and appropriate application of this knowledge can be called Wisdom -designed t organize human life in disordered world.

From stone age till today, scientific knowledge of human is increasing with time. and wiseful application of this knowledge has resulted in to the development of human  civilization.Our ancestors has acquired knowledge of natural laws like weather phenomena, physics and chemistry of fire, art of tool making leading toward permanent settlement, agriculture ppractices and consequently development of human civilization.It is the knowledge and wisdome of our ancentors that human are most infeluntial creature , they hae acquired power to influence nature to considerble degree for their use and deelopment.

And it can be seen in the scientific development of modern world, where new  modes of transportation, communication  medical science, space science and many other has definitely improved human knowledge about various things including man-nature relationship.And by using these things, many world problems are being solved effectively and efficiently like globalisation has facilitated better utilization of natural resources hence helping in deal with poverty and inequality. medical science is helping to overcome deadly disease and enhancing human physical and mental capacity. development in agriculture has helped to remove famine conditions in many parts of world etc.

Therefore, a better combination of science and wisdom has helped human yet the many times, science exist without wisdom and it has great possibility to disturb human development. knowledge of nuclear technology without wisdom has resulted into nuclear bomb which has brought world on edge of nuclear warfare and has created an apprehensive situation for global peace and development.

In similar way, knowledge to exploit natural resource in sustainable may might bring order and prosperity in human life , yet without wisdom , human has exploited these resources unnecessarily for it’s short term comfort, greed and interest. and such unregulated exploitation has destabilized ecological balance of earth environment. And this imbalance has created a danger of climate change of globe which may trigger large scale destruction of  natural and human property and life of individuals within it.

Hence, the things which were considered means of development are proving means of destruction. hence it will not wrong to say, without wisdom, acquired knowledge work as double edge sword which is neither good for oneself nor for others.

Science has its own utility, it provide power in human hand  as more informatie human has more capability to utilize the resources for its favour, it helped him to deal with problems which are usual foe a particular course action, it may make him capable to get full benefit of a particular opportunity and knowledge make human capable number of opportunity even in darkest of time, As North  American countries has done, despite being young nation , the had managed to develop more than world’s oldest civilization with help of their knowledge.

Yet wisdom is necessary to give human aspect of that knowledge, compassion and empathy are necessary for use of that knowledge in humanistic manner,and wisdom provides the same. it sees the long term, direct and indirect consequences of application of knowledge. It make human being capable to differentiate between right and wrong, between just and just, between sustainable and unsustainable. A wise mind will use fire to cook food, to mold metal, to create tool, while an unwise mind can put a house on fire. hence with same level of knowledge both work in different and opposite manner.It is the reason that when same nuclear fuel can be used in nuclear reactors to provide energy to all, same nuclear fuel are used by many countries to build nuclear weapons.

Hence, many times, it is not the difference of economic reproduce or knowledge, it the difference of wisdom which decides that who will develop and organize oneself and who will fall in chaos.therefore, it become essential to have wisdom before acquiring knowledge. And, it is possible to develop wisdom of human in very easy and effective manner.

Attaching the human aspect to every discipline of study will be relevant one. students must be provided with  knowledge not only of subject but also about its utility in human development. families, societies and institutions must encourage critical and rational thinking in their fellow citizens.A spirit of inequary and research not only in physical aspect of study but also psychological and philosophical aspect will help in this direction  by highlighting impact of particular development and its application on human psychology and its behaviour in practical world. simultaneously  responsibility and rights should coexist, hence without rights, it is not possible to fulfill responsibility and without responsibility there might be no right.

Science and wisdom are crucial for world. without science this world will become stagnated in terms of knowledge. and without wisdom , that knowledge will not be fruitful for man and nature. science provides answers to  existing worlds problems like environmental, economic or social and even international. wisdom ensures effectiveness and efficiency for these solutions. science ensures empowerment of human being. wisdom ensure responsibility, accountability and compassion of human being.

Hence, in present world, science and wisdom are two wheels of same vehicle.It is hardly possible to sovle existing world problems without scientific knowledge, but application of that scientifc knowledge depends upon the wisdom of indicviduals, societies and countires, and Human race must ensure that science and wisdom both increses simultanously.

















“If one can Address Moral Crisis, many of World’s Problems can be Solved”


World is changing with a rapid rate, daily new development in technology, politics, connective devices, medics come on surface. New discoveries in every field of life has become a new normal.But simultaneously occupying the new problems which has cumulative effect on already prevailing world problems.Individuals  and their societies are facing moral crisis. The deep understanding of distinction between right and wrong or wrong, just or unjust are evaporating from human mind.Public is becoming aware of their rights but obligation toward their responsibility is either has become secondary or unnecessary. Narrow interest of few are given preference over broader interest of larger section of society.World is standng  on the edge of moral crisis which demad to be addresed in order to solve prevaling problems in world which rangers from individual to international government.

At present , modern human is passing through a peculiar kind of phase. How much he chasing the happiness , happiness decides to distance herself from him that much.A good job, a good financial and social status is  married with mental and physical stress, betrayal in friendship and relationship. It is said that he s continuously n a race, a race to prove himself, to ensure better future, to remain  relevant in this competitive world.It is easily said that everything is fair in love and world, but the cost of this thbking is paid by human itself in stressful and unhealthy life and  constant feeling of lonliness.If examine closly, it is not difficult to see that Grreed to get or achive more, presure to be first, distrubed priorites among profesional and personal life are reason behind such development.

And the same individuals form the society. From the vedic time, Indian society is divided in name of caste and gender. but gradually this division had widened and spreaded. Now societies describes themselves in name of region, religion, caste etc. Communal riots, untouchability, women discrimination are not unknown to anyone. these are resulting in to social disharmony , inequality and sluggish growth.Although, every group has its distinguished set of beliefs and resources and interest which may be contrict with other’s belief or interest.Yet the major reason of conflict is intolerance, noncompassion, lack of empathy for other’s cause. and this gave birth to preference to one’s narrow interest over greater good resulting into conflict and inharmony.

Inharmony is not only the social phenomena, moral crisis has also destabilized the harmonic relationship between human and it’s environment also. whole world was surprised at the case of Volkswagen emission  test betrayal and dishonesty. But such lack of morality is not rare in economic world. to reduce the cost of production, numerous environmental law are broken , inhuman working conditions in factories, employing child and bonded labour in hazardous industries , climate change, exploitation of natural resources and displacement of tribal groups, whose world is the place they live, they are illegal and unethical stock holdings of essential goods which impact the poor and vulnerable section most. It is the economy, where competition is very high and harsh, everybody need to take an edge over his competitor but  should it be at cost of moral responsibility towards society and environment? Whole world need the economic growth but greed to get a competitive advantage is neither sustainable nor desirable.

The world is in a situation of turmoil,  major superpowers in their hunger to establish hegemony in global front are taking toll of peaceful international relations as such case is visible in South china sea, where two major states USA and CHina are always  ready to confront each other.similarly, middle east has become playground of global and regional rivals, and created a political void in many states, which give an opportunity to deadly terrorist group ISIS to flourish and dictate. The major arm in hand f these terrorist are smuggled from those countries who boast to fight against them, many counties are buying cheaper oil from these  terrorist groups and every country has divided such violent groups into terrorist and rebels according to their convenience and interest. But such moral crisis in world politics is not only impacting these counties who are directly related with such crisis but has put whole world in danger, now daily new apprehension  arises about start of new world war, and  terrorist attacks has become new normal for world community. world is facing migration and refugee crisis and there is fight between state versus humanity interest.

Though, such moral crisis are not new, as some have their routes in history and history has seen its consequences too in forms of wars, famine, poverty etc, but intensity of moral crisis is very high in modern world, where despite having modern means to solve majority of problems , we find ourselves in more severe and new problems daily. And majority of such problems can be attributed to moral crisis where people are forgetting difference between right and wrong , just and unjust. But, will it be right to blame the lack of morality for world problems?

There are number of problems in world , where human has not no control over it, like some catastrophic natural events as earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and droughts and some time it is inevitable to stop a conflicting sition as confrontation is demand of time sometimes, like to stop human rights violation in North Korea , world community has to confront autocratic regime. yet, it is clear that, May be problems are not due to moral crisis, but when solution is not discovered and applied, it is majorly because of moral crisis. and it give birth to more new problems.

Then how should we deal with this situation of moral crisis?  Morality can not be maintained by law but individuals, societies and countries have to learn that human is a social animal and this world is his home where they are connected with each other in more than one way. one’s benefit at cost of other’s valid one will destabilize the  delicate balance and equation of harmonic and cooperative development. And such learning can come only when human strive for betterment not only for himself but for greater good. And an progressive education system can help in this where every aspect of knowledge have a ethical and moral dimension. A moal public is necessary to establish a balance between rights and responsibility as a human being and being part of society respectively.

Human, world problems and morality are connected to each other, if human is the victim of world problems, human s also culprit to create them and he is also the only solution to solve them, and it is only possible when, he will be capable to recognize his shortcomings , drawbacks and  will be able to see and adopt the right path. A problem at individual level due to lack of morality become a social problem  then international.It isbetter and disrable to deal such moral ciris at individual level itself.So that, base for a haapy and prosperous society can be created.




Overdependence on Technology will Advance Human Development

Rough Draft-

  1. Introduction- Relationship between human development and technology
  2.  How use of technology is good for human development- some cases at individual, social economic, scientific and national and international level.
  3. But, How and why- Human is becoming over dependent on technology- need of rapid economic growth, measurement of output in quantitative terms, preference to competitiveness over creativity and content
  4. Is this overdependence helpful for human development- It makes human vulnerable to technological failures, restrict critical thinking, curtails our social and family time leading to stressful relationships and create many mental and physical health problems.
  5. Then what is the way ahead? Human created and innovated technology, it is servant not a master- Human being use technology as a tool of development , overdependence on it will not lead to human development by itself?  It is like, sailing in a boat will help you travel in hassle free way and have some other advantage, yet one must know, how to swim to deal with emergency situations, and swimming has its fun.
  6. Conclusion- ultimate aim of human being to live a content, healthy and happy life, if technology help  human being to achieve it, it must be used in that way, though it should not create illusion of happiness or human being should not over dependent on it. It s just supplementry of human effort not vice versa. Technology is the consequence of human development.(existing technology can only deal with known existing problem , and to deal with unknown and unpredictable problem, it is critical thinking f human brain, which is crucial)



Technology , a practical idea or device which is present in every moment of modern human life either it is morning alarm clock or a dim night bulb. Technology is used to study some microscopic  organism to very large celestial body. Modern human being can not imagine life without technology, even if we do not realize as frequently  our dependence on oxygen. It has make human life easy and has helped him to use natural, human and intellectual resource more effectively and efficiently.  some people are able to live on Antarctic in a fairly warm synthetic environment and people can  enjoy ice cream in Sahar’s summer.Technology has changes human life considerably.

Now a person in rural area of India is a click away from the world, he can easily access information on weather, awareness about best agricultural practice for particular crop, best prices in market with the help of his device from his home. An army man can easily connect to his family from isolated region of Siachen, it will relax him and his family to know about each other well being. Recently, all women newspaper Khabar Lahariya has digitized it’s news to reach larger section of society and which will enhance effectiveness of rural women empowerment effort of newspaper.

Government is using technology for better implementation and management of its policies and programs like financial inclusion, social security, etc. Technology is also helping in a security of country through satellites and other tracking devices. It is the technology, through which, human has become capable to explore in deep sea areas and has reached moon.

Although, there is no denial that, technology has become integral part of human development, yet it  will not wrong to say that our dependence on technology in some areas is working like a ventilator to keep continue human development rather than promoting healthy human development. Focus on excessive competitiveness and race to be first by hook and crook has comped humen and their organisation to seek the technological help which has turned out to overdependence.

Economy will be come on verge of collapse if internet goes down for a short span of time. The passion of youngsters to upload every moment of their life before some online friends has reduced their real time friend, it is causing distress and  discontent among new generation. This new generation is also lacking  innovative and critical thinking due to overdependence of readymade online information. Technology  is the fast and easy way of doing work and it has made human being lazy and lethargic.

So? what is the problem in being overdependence on technology? if it is more efficient and effective than human efforts? It is the human , who has created technology not vice versa. technology may be an supportive system which supplement or complement human efforts, but it is atlast the result of human effort, we are able to live with technology. it is good to use technology until we are overdependent on it.

As overdependence on anything lead to adversities and technology is no exception. when we began to give preference online information and social sites over physical efforts, scientific thinking and social relationship. Some psychological and physical health problems can be attributed to technology, either it is depression or obesity.we prefers to drive car to to buy a cold drink rather than padol a cycle. The height of overdependence on technology at personal level can be seen from the launch of a digital game which compel people to come out from their cell. It is indeed sad that, human has forget to enjoy the beauty of nature, and reluctant to do so without it’s technological devices.

Such  over dependence on technologies are also causing climate change due to excessive greenhouse gas emission and resulting into melting of ice, changing rain pattern, and drought and floods in short of time at the same place, it has put very future of earth  in danger.Hence vergence is not the right practice to adopt.

Hence it is clear, we must master technology rather than let the technology mater us. Technology is not itself the answer of human development, yet it is most effective tool to improve human development if used wisely.It can be used to improve food production, poverty reduction, environment conservation , education and awarness. It can increase the effectiveness and speed of reform and policies, yet human must be capable to develop without technology if necessary. Many scientist are giving preference to traditional practices in agriculture , medication etc for better and sustainable result. So , i will not wrong to say, if one want to sail in boat, learning swimming may prove beneficial in emergy.

Ultimate of human efforts is to ensure content, happy and healthy life by improving physical and mental capacity of human being. there are some practical foundation in it;s capacity  which are overcome by technological advancement. It s the consequence of human development and is used for further development. But One must remember that existing technology can deal with only existing known problems and issue. And to deal with unknown and unpredictable problem, there may be need of new more advance technology, which will consequence of  human scientific and critical thinking independent and free from shackles  of present technology.










“Geography may remain the same ; History need not.”

Geography and history, both might look different and exclusive terms but they are related with each other  in more than one way. Geography has it’s own history from bigbang till today. History has its geography from polar to equator. However, for a human being, whose history is like a tiny droplet in torrential fall of equatorial rain , Geography may remain same for his span of life but history need not.

While geography like rivers, plateaus and plains defined by natural unthinking forces are divided by human aspiration and demand in form of political boundaries. On the other hand, history is defined by human decision, action and it’s consequences. are affected and affected by geography.

Human is the only creature on earth for whom,  history matters and it keeps changing with respect to time as well as with respect to person to person. European continent has gone through very contrasting change over time, in ancient time european states were marred with rivalry, anarchy, war and violence and class system, in  20th century same continent had been involved in world war and dictatorship while colonising Asian and African countries.And contrastically, In 21st century, Europe has become symbol of democracy equality and rule of law.It is most peaceful continutn on earth and seen as a chapion of globbalisation with diluted political, economic and social boundres with in European Union.

So, why should history need not to remain same ? when geography can? Human has very limited power to change geography own their own. But he is largely responsible to define hs history over time. He has to power to reform his present which will affect his future. today’s presen will be tomorrow’s history. it is not only desirable to improve present, but human is responsible to continue on the path of betterment and excellence for being a rational and intelligent being.

As we can see, Indians will hardly desire to change its geography like mountains, rivers, forests climate of which they are used to change considerably. We can accept the unchanging nature to geography to some extent. But our desire to change history is undeniable, we need a better future than yesterday or today. There must be desire to change the social history which exploited women and dalits. we want to change the economic history , which is marked by inequality , poverty and famines. we need to improve our political history with more participatory and less sectarian policies.A stagnated history is neither desirable nor rational.

As stagnated history or revival of history is not in better interest of human development.And , it can be seen in relationship of India and Pakistan, both countries has trapped in themselves shackles of past so much that every reformative action is defeated by  historical reasons or causes. every government cite the atrocities and failures of each other  to save interest of other side. New issues emerge and new weapons are developed and new allegations were surfaced , our defence system is offencive weapon for them and vice versa. but in nutshell history remain same enemy is still a enemy.

On the other hand, world community is seeing the consequences of desire to revive history in form of atrocities committed by  ISIS. ISIS or Dayesh in his efforts to revive the Ottoman Empire( Islamic state) which has ruled a large part of Asia, Europe and north America has put human existence and humanity in danger.though emergence of ISIS can be attributed to many reasons both internal and external which includes political and social factors too. Yet history is in centre of all these factors which has culminated into emergence of ISIS.

Therefore it will not wrong to say that human is continuously changing the history and in order to do so, it has affected the geography to a considerable extent. in other words, with change in history geography did not remain intact.  through human efforts own their own can not change geography considerable but with help of science and technology, human impact of geography has increased multifold. with industrialisation, the increased quantity of  greenhouse gases are affecting industrialization resulting into change in various climatic and weather phenomena like rainfall, wind pattern etc. and it affecting geography of the world visible in form of desertification and melting of ice. Arctic region which was once ice packs throughout year is now  iceless first time in human history. Infrastructure project has changes the pattern of geographical terrains and river channels and mountain reliefs. Such changes are undesirable and has endanger future of  human and biodiversity.

Human being can remain without such moderation in geographical nature of earth but they can not remain with adverse or negative changes in geography of earth. But it does not mean, human impact on geography is only adverse. with use of satellites, the management of natural resources like soil, water, minerals etc is more effective and easy. with help of technology and knowledge we can decide the niche of different species and can conserve them more effectively.human is increasingly being aware that he is also a natural person and his survival depend upon the cooperation with the nature rather than confrontation with it.

Therefore, geography has a dimension of history in itself. it has been affected by history and history has affected it over period of time new political boundaries had emerged on earth surface due to historic conflicts like some new countries.e.g-South Sudan. excessive historical exploitation of groundwater s resulting into subsidence of ground surface.

If there is anything permanent in this world that is change only. slow geographical change has little significance for human being and human can progress without any catastrophic geographical change. But change in history s critical for human development, not the absolute quantity of change but also the direction of change which must be positive and progressive.Human has to realize that, one should not remain victim of past for ever,yet our present action must be considered as positive history by future generation.




















“We Can Not Fight Terrorism: We have to live with it”

Human breed since the time of its inception has faced many forms of violence like war, plunder, theft etc. These were either official or unofficial means to achieve their goals. But terrorism is relatively new phenomena, it is unofficial techniques to use violence which affect the wider section of society beyond its immediate victim to achieve political goals. The tussle between state and terrorist organization is as old as history of terrorism. But despite many efforts, terrorism is still prevalent and spreading different part of world instead of getting diluted or removed. With changing nature of terrorism with modern techniques, it has become more effective and emerging as new normal of society.

Normalcy of terrorism can be seen in Afghanistan, world is aware about the atrocities committed by Taliban on Afghan population to maintain its rule. But Taliban is considered critical for peace in Afghanistan. Ironical it may appears, But instead of eradicating Taliban, many segments of Afghanistan and world community like Pakistan , China and USA are thinking to strike a compromise between Afghan government and Taliban, which will surely give a say to Taliban in Afghan politics.

It will be easy to blame these world power to favor a militant outfit, but in modern world it is almost impossible to fight terrorism in view of its changing nature. Cyberspace and internet has almost make it easy to influence and radicalize youth without physically interacting with them. Decreasing need of proper militant training in lieu of new automatic weapons and easy accessibility, homemade techniques  of bomb making over internet etc.
Another dangerous trend, which is emerging is the increasing involvement of educated youth in terrorist activities unlike earlier. However, reason of terrorism varies from sense of discrimination and injustice to the sense of empowerment and revival of old age ideologies.

Changing face of terrorism and terrorist make it almost impossible to remove the terrorism from world. Security forces cannot trace a homemade terrorist in neighborhood, who has been radicalized through internet, who can use some daily use apparatus or instrument as weapon of mass destruction, who knew the airplanes can be used as weapon prior to 9/11. Recently an attack on NICE, France by lone terrorist with help of Truck. Unpredictable and unrecognizable nature of terrorism forced us to think that, it is difficult to fight with terrorism, we have to live with it.

But, no matter how difficult the fight, giving up is not a solution. If it is difficult to fight terrorism, it is impossible to live with terrorism. At domestic level, it creates socio-economic problems, political instability and constant atmosphere of fear. Pakistan has nourished terrorism instead of fighting with it, and constant terror attacks and increased radicalization has stalled its progress not to mention hampering of image as a responsible state. It also distort international environment, Al-Qaeda and rise of ISIS are some examples. On the other hand, learning to live with terrorism, will lead human race in the girth of permanent destruction and violence with no security of life and future as we can see in Nigeria with a Boko haram brand of terrorism.

Therefore, it indicates that, giving up fight was never an option for responsibility world community. The only solution remains i.e. – fight. And, here, the global governments have to ponder over the means and modes to fight terrorism. However, effective fight against terrorism have some prerequisite like we have to do away distinction between bad and good terrorism, which defining terrorism in unambiguous fix terms. And, another thing which is necessary to detect the underlying reasons of terrorism, If nice, governments all over the world will come to know the exact reason behind terrorism, it will be easy to fight effectively and efficiently without much complexities as it will be easy to make a large section of public understand the difference between reasonable demands and unreasonable means to fulfill those demands.

Fighting against terrorism should not be result in the appeasement of one group while discriminating against other group, as has been the case in Middle East. Where, one section was freely provided with arms and ammunition by some external state actors to resolve their disputes. And there almost every sect have militant group and demanding their rights. Such situation create the mess rather than solving the problems.

Terrorism is that disease, which is better and easy to prevent at first place, every step must be taken to remove the reasonable grievances and disputes while establishing the just and progressive system in socio-economic and political spheres. It is also necessary to strengthen education and social infrastructure of country, so no one feel excluded while have opportunity to recognize and realize their rightful aspirations and demands.

However, it does not means, reactive frameworks should not be in place, it is complementary to the proactive mechanism, strengthen of security forces, security of critical infrastructure and cyber space. Strengthen networks for gathering information from local communities, as well as collaboration and cooperation with international security and international organization like Interpol and CIA is also necessary. Improvement and enhancement of modern anti-terror techniques like tracking devices, CCTV cameras and modern arms to police is necessity of time. It is also necessary to strengthen and reform United nation organizations for betterment of international community, which is currently has become the playing ground for world superpower to prove their superiority.

Living with terrorism was never an option, and we do not have choice other than fighting with terrorism. The real question is about the means and mode to fight against  terrorism. it is a long fight, which need continues and cooperative efforts, it is only possible when global governments will give up their ego and narrow interest for the sake of international development and peace. Terrorism must be treated as terrorism rather than molding them on their conveniences. The saying like, enemy of enemy is my friend, do not work with terrorist groups, regional rivalry and ideological differences should not come in path of efforts to fight with one of biggest enemy of humanity’’ terrorism’’. It is high time, every entity either it is individual, community, countries or international organization take decisive action against any such activity from start.

Rough Draft-

  1. Introduction- India as a reluctant partner in world order- imposition of international norms on India, or try to isolate herself from world order like non-alignment movement and for self sufficiency
  2. Changing world order- shift from unipolar or bipolar world to a polycentric world, emergence of new powers, importance of other criteria like economic, technological aspects of power other than military,
  3. India’s participation in world order is not like the other world leader conceived for themselves.But in a different manner of close interaction, capacity building, helping other instituions to grow and an assertive yet peaceful international relation and development-

Why India is considered reluctant to participate in global world order- Big but poor mentality on multilateral fronts- WTO, Paris climate summit

Apprehensive nature toward international development events- One belt One road

Not playing the responsible role as a big and economically capable nation-  No a clear policy about middle east, Refugee crisis etc,

b) Do the above reasons indicate India’s reluctance in global order participants- India’s different stance on new global order- Promoter of inclusive, Just and equitable world order by securing the interest of least developed and developing countries on multilateral fronts like WTO and Climate summits,

Reforms in multilateral and international organization to do awry their biases- like UNSC and IMF

Improving oft power and participating in peace mission and infrastructure development- Yoga, Indian diaspora, Bollywood, infrastructure and other development programs in various other por countries.

Challenge in It’s path- Domestic- Poornfrstrcutre, improving social infrastructure, dealing with rising communalism, and improving quality of life

Global- State and non-state terrorist organisations, opposition of India in multilateral platform by Pakistan and China, double edge relationship with hina( need to have positive economic relationship as wella s diplomatic ties, and decreasing it influence in IOR ) and Diplomatic requirements

How can India overcome these challenges- A comprehensive planning on domestic and international front- an improved domestic conditions will improve India’s image on global front, and lay down clear cut policy for India’s action plan,  A shift from non-alignment to multidimensional interaction  will be much appreciated. lay a more assertive role for global terrorism through UN. An campion of equitable participation of all countries irrespective of their economic and military might

Conclusion- India prefers the philosophy of Vashudhev Kutumbhakum and this philosphy is reflected in it’s foreign policy, and It do not promote bloc biased l order, neither any policy of it, give a birth of any bloc,

After 1947, As a new infant and poor nation India was forced to accept the global norms without any say , and it was the time when world was divided in to two power blocs, i.e- United States of America and Soviet Union. To save India from dilemma to take any ide, India adopted the policy f Nonalignment, as well as in economic sphere too, India tried to become self reliant, It kept India isolated from global development to some extent.

But with increasing might of India’s political, economic and strategic importance, India’s interaction with world increases. And , In 21st century is the century , where world has moved from the bipolar or unipolar world to a polycentric world. where economic and scientific might have an edge over military might. Where, big and small countries are dependent on each other for their interest while emergence of new powers is occurring and one of them is India.

Though, India has been accused of that, It is reluctant to play a responsible role in global world order which comes with the power of becoming a global economic and political power. though, It might be true from the world leader perspective who conceive same role for themselves, yet India see a different role for herself which promotes inclusiveness, equality and prosperity without hampering the sovereignty and choices of individual counties.

Then Why India is considered reluctant to play a role in world order? India has become a one of the major economy of world, but still it has the ”Big but Poor” mentality, and protectionist policies on multilateral platform like WTo and climate summits are creating hurdles in international trade and reformist polices respectively.

Simultaneously, India has been blamed of being apprehensive of any development other it is China’s ”One Belt One Road” initiative or any major motion on international platform like UN. India’s absence in voting against  Sri Lanka in UN general assembly was taken as India’s weakness to take strong decisions. As well as, when world is going from a turmoil like ISIS and refugee crisis, India has not clear global policies for either. India seems to prefer to keep herself away from global problem, rather than being a part of solution in straightforward manner, which are expected from a powerful nation.

So, Where India stand in global world order? It will not be justiciable to call india as reluctant participant n global order, as India as the big agent in change of global order. It is active participant of UN and it’s peacekeeping mission, and founding member of  several international organisations like WTO. Though, India is not as assertive in it’s international stance from other states view point. But India has chosen a different path for herself which give to create a more inclusive and equitable world.

India tries to remove the biases of international organizations like WTO, IMF or world bank etc, which are favourably partial to developed nation, hence Inda work as a supporter of least developed and developing countries to save their interest.

India is working as a bridging power between developed and developing countries, Global south ad Global north. It took the responsibility to reduce carbon emission by initiating Solar mission and ambitious renewable energy mission while forcing developed countrie to accept their historical responsibility. The scientific and technological mission by India for the development of every country either it is SAARC country through IRNSS or African countries theugh agriculture advancement.

India always a stand for the reforms in international and multilateral organisation to reflect the right and just global order through more participation of countries and improving voting rights either it is UN , IMF , NSG. etc. on the other hand, military intervention in name of humanitarian aid are not accepted to India, and it is clear in it;s stand that  nation’s sovereignty and right to decide should be respected, and such problems must be solved through diplomatic and political means.

The remarkable role India has played on international front can also seen through it’s soft power, either it is Yoga, Bollywood, generic medicines in  African countries, development aid to countries to built infrastructure, and sid in critical time to NEpal, Maldives, presence of Indian diaspora, and Bollywood. It is also one of the largest contributor in UN peacekeeping mission as well as involved in development programs in Afghanistan, Iran etc.

However, There are many challenges , India has to face while playing a more assertive role on international level, at domestic level, Inadequate infrastructure, poverty, lack of social infrastructure like health and education, communalism forced india to take protectionist approach on multilateral fronts many times.

On the other , at global front, dominant world power want to use India as a tool like USA have strategic interest in India to counter China, and to react on USA bait will not be good for longer term. India also have to maintain cordial relation with China by keeping economic, political and strategic interest in mind. But China’s increasing influence in Indian ocean region is a big problem, as well as concern about the reforms in international governing and regulating organisations either it UN, or IMF.

In new global order, state and non state actor of terrorism is posing another  threat and it is increasing with radicalisation and extremism of youth in every country. And, India has to deal with this global problems while maintaining the balancing equation at domestic level.

How should India deal with these challenges and problems?  A comprehensive planning at domestic and global level for longer term is need of time. India have to rectify the domestic problems which are creating hurdles in path of more assertive international role either it is economic or political or cultural. As well as clear cut regional and global policies  about India’s objectives and action plans will remove the ambiguity India’s stand. simultaneously,world powers have to understand that, if they want to see India to participate more actively in world affairs, India must be given due place in various international organisations and platform.

India always followed the principle of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. And, India’s shift from Non-alignment approach to multi-participation approach also adhere to this principle. India tries to interpret ne world order in a unique way, which promotes and secure the inclusive and equal as well as just rights of every country .









No one can make you feel inferior without your consent

”Inferiority”  a word and feeling which is hated and accepted at the same time by a person  or an entity who is vulnerable of internal dilemmas or external atrocities either physical or psychological. In this world, every person or entity is subject of compassion by individuals, society, organisations, nations etc. Based on these comparison one decide the inferiority and superiority of another person. And it depend on the person (subject of comparison) that he accept the parameter  of comparison or judgment of a person about his worth and quality.

No other person can understand the worth of a person than that person him/herself. In India, where women worth is measured from her sexuality. A rape victim women is tagged as characterless and  wonton.Instead of encouraging and supporting that person, society declared her worthless and honorless. Now that woman is inferior to other woman , though , It should not be forget women are considered inferior breed in general.Same was true with Suzette Jordan, who fight for justice not only for herself, but for other girls and women too.

Every person and entity has their own quality, their worth, and talent. No two person are same. In a world, where physical strength have immense value, Stephen Hawking worth can not be neglected, He proved himself even after facing lot of adversities. He proved that person as whole can never inferior to others if he has courage, determination and confidence in his own worth, his own efforts.

Nor an  entity  can entirely dependent on other’s judgement about himself. In colonial era, India was considered an inferior civilization, which was besotted with poverty, backward caste system , corruption etc. Though, Indian intelligentsia knew that, India had these problems yet they refused to accept India as a inferior country. Indians fight for freedom and complete independence, and later on established a vibrant democracy and become a role model of successful democracy despite lot of problems.

Therefore, every person has a right to keep opinion about other, But everyone also has a right to accept and reject other’s opinion too. Since every person is not capable to understand the inherent quality and virtue of another person, neither everyone can comprehend the objectives of one’s actions and decisions.It is also possible, that other’s decision is cl9ouded with prejudice, stigma and jealusy. Such kind of judgement work as demoralizer for other human being, if he takes them seriously, without analysing his own efforts.

Many women accept the lower status in social and economic sphere due to lack of confidence in their capabilities and worth.They accept any good social and economic status as privilege rather than right.

Now the question arises, should we not consent with anyone about their opinion on ourselves? This world is place, No One can improve in isolation. Human being learn and improve, by comparing the things, qualities etc with respect to each other or with respect to time. We take help of our parents, teachers, siblings and friends and sometime experts to analyse the things , our ideas, our actions, and want to learn drawbacks and loopholes within them.

There may be many occasion, when one learn the inferiority of his actions and  decision. Though Indian society especially upper caste was used to take a pride in it’s cultural practice of Sati, but later on, with time, and development of rational thinking, Indian came to know about  not only inferiority of this ritual but also about the inhumane and derogatory nature of such practice.

India as a social, economic and political system still is in boundation of many inferior practices like caste system, child labour, communalization and use of money and muscle in Indian politics. And no matter how much hurtful it is, we can not deny the inferiority of such practices and a democratic secular nation, where equality and rule of law are fundamental rights provided by constitution.

However, It will not be wise to accept that, India is inferior to others in any aspect. As, when we begin to believe about the claim of inferiority of a system as  whole, we loses the opportunity and motivation to improve. We can rectify a mistake, we can solve the problems, we can improve the performance, we can remove the drawbacks, which are affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of a system. But we can not not change a system by considering it inferior as a whole. To improve a system, there is need to encourage positive aspect of it, while removing the inferior or undesirable aspect of it.

However, In this situation, one can ask that, who will decide that what are the positive and negative aspect or superiority and inferiority of a thing? Everyone has the right to have an opinion about the things or person or event of one’s concern. And based on those criteria one divide these things in good and bad. Yet superiority and inferiority of a person or a entity is  relative to contexts they are subject to. Like a lathi may be good weapon for  security purpose in villages from wild animals, yet in modern warfares it is inferior quality of arm.similarly, some technologies like VCR and steam engines are not compatible to modern technologies of virtual realities and jet engines, hence are considered inferior quality, But one should not forget that, earlier technologies provided the base for modern world.

But, more than the other’s It depend upon oneself that how we see ourself,  lack of inferiority complex does not mean that one is arrogant and have superiority complex, It means, a person believes scientific thinking, he accept the problems in oneselves, and try to improve himself by using his talent and innovativeness.

There is no perfection in this world, We all move toward the perfection and some are behind and some are  ahead, yet everyone is part of race. One can become superior by declaring other as inferior, Nor, one can improve himself by accepting himself as inferior.respect and compassion for other opinion help to develop a harmonic society and confidence and trust in oneself help to mantain one’s uniqness while developing harmony with society.