It may seems a silly question to ask, ‘whether earth is round or flat’ and someone might suspect the education qualification of person, who dare to ask this question. But it was not a silly question few centuries ago, when human were unaware about nature, shape and size of earth, According to them, earth was flat and they believed. if sailor moved deep in sea, having reached on other side they could fall out of earth.But we modern human being can thank James Cook to bust this myth, and have courage enough to sail deep in sea to solve the mysteries of oceans, discover new lands. it is due to his boldness, later on Britain became the superpower of world, Columbus discovered the America.

Many times we know, what kind of difficulties and problems we are going to face in path to realize our dreams, But sometimes we are totally unaware about these problems. But when one want to achieve whatever the ambitions she has in mind, she have to take these problems as challenges which are basically made to be overcome. The difference between success and failure is made by one’s capacity to take bold decisions and actions.It is true not only for individuals but also for societies, countries and organisations.
In international arena like UN or WTO,majority of nation states seems to take side to that country, which they consider, is bold enough to take difficult decisions in emergency times or times of dilemma. Same situation arises when a company launch new product into a very different market. This launching demand lot of effort and money, so it is not easy to take this decision and failure chances are very high, but if product successes, fruit of success is also very much sweet.

”Fortune favors the bold” are not only few words but have a deep meaning, We most of time curses our fortune(luck) for the problems, failures in our life. But it is a coward’s way out. You can expect to get fortune if you are bold enough to act or decide. But hardly you can expect to be bold, or meet your destination, if you completely relay on your fortune.Most of time, problem is not the overconfidence on fortune, but a fear to take challenges, fear to go against the league, people do not want to come out from their comfort zone. They do not want to travel the distance to grab the success or their dreams or ambitions in real world. They expect that success itself will come to them.

”Wait and Watch” theory can work in many context but it does not work when some action and bold decisions are demanded. If we in contemporary era take the example of Nobel winner Kailash Satyarthi, who could have chose a convenient job with good salary, But instead of doing the convenient things, he choose to fight against the malpractices and atrocities which are prevalent in society and system.It was indeed a bold decision, since challenges and difficulties are constant in his path, and success is not the surety and tangible in near future. But recognition on international front, proved a great boost to his fight, and it not only will benefit him, but also the millions of children who are deprived of their fundamental rights and decent life.

There is a difference between boldness and recklessness, While risk is present in both cases, In recklessness, decision is taken on impulses and without any calculation of consequences and alternatives. it can also be said that when we take reckless decision, we expect that we will be fortunate enough to get through it. But this is not the case with bold decisions, unlike recklessness, risk is not deliberate or desirable, decisions are taken with reasonable precautions and alternatives ‘if possible’ are considered, decision maker do not expect to be fortunate to get through problems and challenges, but put his best effort of overcome these challenges.

It is not the case that bold people always fortunate to get success. But Boldness is not only defines the ability to act or decide, but also show the ability to take responsibilities, to accept our failures and learn from mistakes. Boldness can not be confined in events, it must be continue through process. It may be also possible, the a person who prefer fortune first over boldness, by some miracle get success in his life, but we must remember, miracles are coincident ,they are not the rule of nature. And the fortune based success of competitors does not demotivate the bold person.

It is because of our ancestors, we human being are living in modern civilization. The boldness to discover the unknown world, to try new things, to invent new scientific appertus and machines, to fly the aeroplane, to move into space. Whatever we human being are proud of is due to the boldness of our ancestors. Rajaram Mohan RAi was bold to face society and Now we are free from inhuman ritual of Sati. Mahatma Gandhi was bold to face British, Now we can call us independent.
Boldness is not only desirable but also necessary for the human development and without it we can not achieve the success or fortune in our life. if an infant baby will not be bold enough to stand up on his legs, He will never be able to walk on his legs.
Boldness is the coordination between our Thinking, speech and action.

22 thoughts on “FORTUNE FAVOR THE BOLD

  1. wow i loved that, you share a lot of the same views as me. i would love to read more as time goes on, and i saw u said you where not good with tech, if you need any tips just ask. You my good sir just received a follow.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thoughts r nice…but some grammatical mistakes…. Suggestions: examples could be more appropriate and sometime you miss the linkage between lines…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tanks dear… Have any idea? what format must be, and what kind of examples should be on place? Yes grammatical mistakes and flow is matter of concern. perhaps due to inertia..


  3. Dear Minaxi ur thought on Proper Human Conduct is fantastic n u elucidate ur opinion with lots of example which make ur writing as proof for valid Human action. Here u explain about boldness n favour indomitable will power for one’s success that is remarkable too … I can’t criticise dis coz its wonderful representation of Ethical coordination with our dreams .

    Liked by 1 person

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